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Although wood is mainly used as basis, other materials are suitable as well as long as the surface is not too smooth. I am using wood or untreated fabric, which I shape in several layers over a model with lacquer and ricepaste, called Nori-Urushi (のり漆). This technique is referred to as Kanshitsu.

First Steps with Wood

Kiji-chôsei ・ 木地調整

Kiji-gatame ・ 木地固め

Karatogi ・ 空研ぎ

Medome ・ 目止め

Medome no Katame ・ 目止めの固め

Grounding with Sediment

Makiji ・ 蒔き地

Makiji no Katame ・ 蒔き地の固め

Shitaji no Togi ・ 下地の研ぎ

Kiriko-Urushi ・ 切り粉漆

Kiriko no Katame ・ 切り粉の固め

Sabi-Urushi ・ 錆漆

Grounding with Fabric

Nunokise ・ 布着せ (Kanshitsu ・ 乾漆)

Mesuri ・ 目すり

Kiriko-Urushi and Kiriko no Katame ・ 切り粉漆と切り粉の固め

Sabi-Urushi ・ 錆漆


Fukiurushi ・ 拭き漆

Tsuyaage ・ 艶上げ