Kanshitsu ・ 乾漆

When building an object with fabric and/or japanese paper, it is called Kanshitsu.  First a model is made out of plaster, styrofoam or papermaché. Then a layer of lacquer, ricepaste and powdered clay with water called Hachisabi-Urushi  is applied, dried and sanded to make it easier to separate the fabric or paper later from the model.

Nunokise ・ 布着せ

On top of the Hachisabi-Urushi  comes the first layer of linen, which is fixed to it by Nori-Urushi,  dried and sanded.


Now the pores have to be closed by Sabi-Urushi.  This grants more stability and closes all interspace. Depending on how big, stabil and light in weight the form should be last, 3 to 7 or more layers of linen or paper in rotation with Sabi-Urushi  are applied.

Japanese paper ・ 和紙

After the form is built, japanese paper, the Washi, can be applied inside and outside in just the same way as the linen with Nori-Urushi  in rotation with Sabi-Urushi.


The reason to use Washi  is to hide the structure of the linen or to build very fragile thin objects without any linen, the number of layers depend on the purpose.

I used 5 layers each inside and outside for my double cups over the linen.


However Washi  is expensive, so when building bigger objects I abstain from Washi  and use some more layers of Yamashinajinoko.  Sabi-Urushi  can be used instead as well.

Yamashinajinoko and Sabi-Urushi ・ 山科地粉と錆漆

 When the structure of the fabric should not be visible or sensible and Washi  not be used, Yamashinajinoko  or Sabi-Urushi  is applied in many layers.


Yamashinajinoko  is a lot rougher and easier to work with for this basic work, but more expensive than powdered clay Tonoko  (砥粉), from which the Sabi-Urushi  is made. Finally there is no difference though.

Feet ・ 足

Are feet or other extentions to be attached, they are made by sawing and carving out of wood, which has to be soaked in lacquer just as any other wood and then dried. 

When making very small feet, I use styrofoam, that becomes as hard as the object itself when covered in layers of linen and lacquer.


The wood or styrofoam will be attached with Nori-Urushi  and flour, called Mugi-Urushi.  Afterwards I apply one layer of linen over the feet and object, so the feet is securely attached. 


Now Washi  or Yamashinajinoko/ Sabi-Urushi  is applied. At my work without Washi  I used between 6 to 8 layers and hardened it with lacquer.

Thereafter working with coloured lacquer can start (see Use of Colours).